Let’s Get This Foundation Started: Slab Down Stage!


March 29, 2023

When the slab goes down, it really is a WOW moment in your building journey. It’s the first major milestone of your new home and you can start to visualise yourself living in the space! Let your imagination run wild as you picture yourself whipping up some epic feasts in your dream kitchen and start conjuring up all the little details that will make your new home uniquely yours!

The slab down stage is an important step in the construction process that requires preparation and patience.

It’s All in the Prep

The concrete slab is the very foundation that your new home rests on, so it must be done right!

First, the entire lot will need to be re-pegged, which is where the boundaries are re-established by the surveyor. This ensures the slab will be positioned according to the approved plans.

Here comes the earthworks team. Diggers and Bobcats will level the ground, remove any shrubs, rocks and trees in the way if required, and level the site ready for your slab.

The sand is then compacted, a termite barrier is applied, service penetrations installed (water and gas pipes, electrical conduit etc), formwork installed, and reinforcing steel fixed.

Time to pour? Not quite! Footings first. Footings, the perfect mix of cement, aggregate, and water, are the bottom part of the foundation, and they distribute the weight of the home evenly across the entire structure so that it doesn’t sink into the ground.

Time to Pour the Slab

Our team of local concreters will work their magic – pouring the concrete and making sure it is agitated (also known as vibed) to ensure it settles correctly, for consistent density and strength. The concrete is then screeded and trowelled for a smooth finish. And your slab is down. WOW!

Letting the Slab Cure

A single-story slab will take at least a week to cure (dry completely). Once the slab has had enough time to cure, connection of the underground services (plumbing, electrical, storm water) will commence. The site will then be cleaned to allow for the delivery of your building materials. Here come your bricks!

Slab FAQs

Once you’ve seen your slab, you might have a few questions and that’s fine. We’re here to help so ask away! Here’s a few frequently asked questions:

Are you sure my slab is the right size?

Slabs can play tricks on us, but it’s all perception. We’ve laid slabs a bunch of times, so it’s something we’re pretty good at. Your slab may look smaller than you thought, but rest assured it’s exactly as it should be. Once the walls up, you’ll have a much better understanding of the space. We promise your home will be light, bright, spacious, and with all the WOW factor you’re expecting.

Why are there cracks?

As concrete dries, the loss of moisture means it shrinks slightly. This can cause small cracks on the surface, but this is very normal. Reinforcement mesh (aka Reo) has been installed in the slab to help control the width and depth of cracks. While seeing cracks may stress you out, they’re nothing to worry about, and won’t cause any structural issues.

Is it the right thickness?

We’re proud to be award-winning home builders – you don’t win awards by cutting corners! All our concrete slabs are designed by an engineer to suit your site classification report.

Why hasn’t my garage been poured?

Just a heads up on garage slabs – they’re poured lower than the internal slab of your home. And don’t you worry, we’ve got your back! We’ll be pouring the garage slab later on to make sure it doesn’t get damaged during the construction process.

Have more questions? Fire away! We’re here to support you throughout your home building journey from start to finish. If you want to get started, reach out to us online now or give our friendly team a call on 08 9932 6097.

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